Sunday, December 23, 2007

where does all the heat energy go?

If all of universes energy is already here and we can only covert it from one form to another (example coal is converted into heat and that heat converted into electriity)

Well my guestion is where does all the heat energy go? when we convert fuel (gasoline) into conbustion energy in our cars a large amout of the energy is givin off as heat. that heat goes somewhere and with the millions of cars on the road that heat would have to accumilate somewhere.

The heat energy has to go somewhere or convert into another form. Where?????


well the heat is created by the movement of the small particles.
when the particles start moving
they start to collide with each other
when the collide
the heat is created

so when passing heat to one place to another
it passes through the particles

in simple theory
where energy cannot created or destroyed

the heat passes to the particles nearby
and the heated particles become cool

when this process happens
it goes for infinity and
ultimately the heat will be pass through out the whole universe

so the end it will go to the universe

the other question u asked about
whether it convert to another energy..............
it depends on the situation as u already know

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